Being prepared for an upcoming project is very important; but whats most important is ensuring that your team has the best gear! What is the best gear you ask? I can answer that one for you...

The Top Gear To Wear To Ensure Safety Is:

  • Firm duct double knee work pants ( best recommended .. Carthart)
  • Long sleeve flex twill shirt ( recommended Dickies)
  • Safety Glasses ( recommended .. El-vex Go Specs
  • Respirator
  • Utility Elbow Pads (recommended.. Allegro) 
Each and every piece of gear serves a purpose for each and every worker. 

Other fun facts that you may not know about gear for construction workers:

  • Construction workers have to wear safety clothing to protect themselves, including leather boots with steel in the toes, hard hats, and googles.
  • Construction workers also wear brightly colored safety vests that are usually Orange or Yellow, so that drivers and other construction workers will be able to see them. 
  • The main health hazard present on a construction site that may cause illness are solvents, noise, and asbestos and those activities that require the handling of malignant agents. 
  • Construction workers in all kinds of weather: Sunshine, Rain , and sometimes even Snow. (which is why their gear is so important) 
