Holiday Clean out

The Holidays are finally here! And by finally I mean wow, did that come fast! Where did this year go? Over the weekend, I found some hidden treasures in regards to Holiday décor at my Mimi’s and it got me thinking… how long has this been here and can I have it? Which then lead me to organization of not only her garage, but our own space as well.

 The Holidays bring festive fun decorations full of pumpkins, leaves, Elf’s, presents, even snowmen and when you have little kiddos like myself, we are awaiting this time of year once August hits. To find the space in our garage for storage, we did have do de-clutter. Below are some simply ways I used to help store fall décor:

1.)    Hooks! Hooks! And more Hooks! These are great for wreaths and wall décor! Simply place the hook along the garage wall, and if you can find a longer hook you may be able to fit more than one item on there! I used this method for our wooden sleigh and reindeer decorations for the front yard and it worked perfectly!

2.)    Old Popcorn tins – These are not only adorable but they’re perfect for storage! Ornaments, Holiday cookie cutters, and leftover bows! At our house there are no kernels left behind.

3.)    Old high/slender boxes – these are perfect for wrapping paper! I found a square box about 3 ft tall and this was perfect for all my left over wrapping paper!

These tips and tricks are a sure fire way to make your decorating in 2021 much easier with less clutter!
